- EAT TO HELP US COMPETE all day on Tuesday February 3. Quatro’s will donate 30% of sales (food, drink or gift certificates) purchased when the CCHS Marching Terriers Band is referenced. Forms can be downloaded from our web site and turned in with your purchase to earn us credit.
- Trivia Night is coming on 2/21/2015 with tons of fun for everyone. We will have Raffles, a Dessert Auction, Balloon Games, Prizes and much more! Come join for dinner at 6:00 ($8.00 per person, please reserve on line to guarantee your dinner). There will be a vegetarian option. Admission is $15.00 per person or $100 for a table of 8. Winners will take home a $200 First Place Prize. Check out the link on our website for more information and to register and reserve your table now.
- Our Awards Banquet will be at the Civic Center on 5/11/2015. Please save the date and plan on joining us for great night celebrating this year and all its accomplishments.
- 2 Click Fund Raiser is earning us a nice easy return. Remember to click on the link on our website first, then select your favorite shopping site and purchase like normal. It is an effortless way to earn our band some extra $$.
- The Nominating Committee of Cynthia Massey, Lois Anderson, and Andrew Wood are looking for candidates for officers for next year. If you are interested in serving as one of our officers, please contact any of them or the webmaster@marchingterriers.com. They will present their nominations at the February meeting and elections will be at the March meeting. Nominations can also be made from the floor at both meetings.
- The following proposed revision to the By-Laws will be voted on at the February meeting. Replace II with the following language:
Executive Board Officers shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive
terms in the same office. However, the
Nominating Committee may make a motion to allow an officer to run for an
additional term. The motion must be
approved by 2/3rd of members present by secret ballot.
- The Finance Committee is going to meet over the next month and develop a budget for next year. They will present the budget in March and we will vote on it at the April meeting.
- The Branson Trip is getting closer! The students will be gone from April 24-26 and will participate in both a concert and marching band competition. We hope to have current Student Account Balances on the web site soon. Payment due dates will be on our calendar. More details to come later.
Thanks to our Booster President, Carol Eaton-Brandenburg for supplying these highlights.
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