- Branson Trip: Final preparations for the Branson Trip on April 24-26, 2015, are underway.
- Final payments for the trip are due this Friday, March 20, 2015. The final $60 payment will be withdrawn from student's accounts on Friday. Notices will be emailed to the parents that have supplied email addresses to the band.
- Students are working on the music for the event.
- Uniforms are cleaned and ready to go. Five students need to be fitted; Deidre Stokes will ensure those students are fitted and ready soon.
- The IHSA Solo/Ensemble Contest held on March 7, 2015 went very well. Mr. Townsend reported that we were ranked 3rd statewide in both the String and Band categories. However, CCHS ranked 2nd in the overall rankings! In addition, at least 2 students will be receiving special recognition when the official results are released. Due to a sneak peek, we know that Anthony Stoecker and Yenna Cho were chosen Best in Day by the judges that scored them. Anthony received this accolade last year, making this his second consecutive win. Yenna Cho is a freshman this year, making her accolade extra special. Congratulations to all the students that performed for CCHS this year.
- Our next Quatros Night will be April 7, 2015. Flyers will be ready just before the event to pass out to students, and a stack will be at the restaurant so that patrons can simply request the proceeds of their meal/purchases are credited to the band. Flyers will also be made available online to print out. In order to get the generous 30% donation, the store-copy receipt will need to be stapled by the server/cashier to a flyer.
- The Awards Banquet will be at the Civic Center on May 11, 2015. Please save the date and plan on joining us for great night celebrating this year and all its accomplishments. This year's banquet will feature an exciting new presentation.
- The doors open at 5:30 pm, and dinner by 2 Domestic Divas will be served at that time. The program will start as soon as dinner is done.
- Larry’s House of Cakes Cards are available now! Lois Anderson has spearheaded this sweet fundraiser and will be happy to get you as many cards as you like for $10 each. We will make $4 on each card sold.
- Each Larry’s House of Cakes Card is good for 12 (one dozen) FREE sugar cookies, white or chocolate cupcakes, or original nut or no-nut brownies. You can mix and match the 12 sweets as you like.
- These are great plan ahead purchases to use when you find you need sweet treats for a group; especially if you are “reminded” last-minute by your student that they need to have something for the group/pot-luck/meeting. The band gets a donation and you/your student can just turn in the card without needing cash on hand or calling ahead!
- Contact Lois Anderson at 618-521-5151 or email her at mellk@siu.edu and she will take care of you. She’s willing to meet you or work out another arrangement. Also, you can email Carol Eaton-Brandenburg at president@marchingterriers.com.
- Kroger Cards: The check from Kroger has been deposited, divided, and added to the student’s accounts.
- If you would like your student to receive the Kroger Card donation bonus, make sure your Kroger Community Rewards are registered online with Kroger, get a receipt with your Kroger Community Rewards note at the bottom to the Band Booster President, Carol Eaton-Brandenburg. Your student will be added to the list for future bonus donation deposits. Email Carol Eaton-Brandenburg at president@marchingterriers.com.
- Remember to use your Kroger Card after you sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards. If you are not signed up yet, just hop over to our handy fundraising page and follow the instruction under the Kroger Community Rewards.
- Student Accounts on the website will be updated after deposits by parents are made and the costs for the Branson trip deducted.
- Annual Band Booster Elections were held. The candidates were uncontested but enthusiastic. Thank you in advance for your service in the 2015-2016 school year.
- President: Carol Eaton Brandenburg
- Vice President: Kathie Rigney
- Treasurer: Debbie Meador
- Secretary: Amy Weber
- The CCHS Marching Terriers Band Boosters will join the National Booster Club Training Council (NBCTC). The Band Boosters have been paying for insurance, but the local policy has been a concern and is hard on our budget. The NBCTC offers the exact insurance we want at a fraction of the price, plus there are other benefits to joining the organization.
- We will be terminating the local insurance policy and get a refund prorated by the amount of the coverage we have already received.
- We will enroll in the Booster Club Insurance policy through NBCTC that meets our needs.
- The Finance Committee was not able to meet after the last meeting due to weather, spring break, and scheduling conflicts. They will meet this week and present a budget proposal at the April meeting.